Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I would like you to see this and read.

May 3, 2007

[recipient address was inserted here]

[recipient name was inserted here],

Please make sure Mr. President Bush reads this !

I would like to know what the excuse is this time for the price of gas
going sky high again. First they blamed it on the storms (hurricanes) now
they are blaming it on the demand. I would like to know why, if the
majority of our oil is imported from foreign countries, how can this be?
We live in Louisiana, one of the states that produces alot of the oil for
the country. But yet we are paying almost $3.00 a gallon. I wouldn't be
complaining if I was getting $100,000.00, $150,000.00 or $780,000.00 (like
the Bushe's) a year. We live on a fixed income and paycheck to paycheck.
The majority of the people in the United States are in the same situation.
We don't have the pleasure of having "fringe benefits" that go with your
jobs. Like car expenses accounts, paid vacations, etc., etc. paid for by
the tax payers. Mr. Bush, you don't have to pay much of anything out of
your pocket, we pay for it. As with most of the politicians in our
Country. When are you going to make youself concerned with what is best
for the common people of this country? Why are you more concerned with
what is going on in other countries? Why do you let YOUR people suffer,
struggle and beg? We were not all born with silver spoons in our mouths
or with the slightest chance of getting half way "up the ladder". What
will it take for changes to be made to make life a little less dramatic
for all of us. We have suffered and struggled enough. Maybe we should
hire Mexicans in place of our politicians because they like to work cheap.
Being they are flocking here to take our jobs. A response from YOU,
personally, would be greatly appreciated.
