Houma Louisiana
This is what you get for living here.
They can spend our tax money on a trip to Hawii
and cell phone bills and $4,ooo.00 for an office desk.They could afford to buy the Bank One building for $7,000,ooo.00 and $3,000,000.00 to fix the dam thing. Something they didn't need. They build a port here in Houma at the tax payers expense to have jobs for the people in Houma. But the companies coming in wants to hire under payed mexicans to work there rather than the local people.
Then the tax payer that may need a job will have to do without or go work at WAL-MART
I like you people to know this is why we have to pay so much in taxes.
They had to have a state of the art library. They needed a civic center.
We need bigger better levees and can't get them.
We need your help. Please call your State Representitives, Congressmen, anyone that could help us. Tell them to help us get the money we need to build our new better levees.
There was plenty of land between us and the Gulf until they redirected the Mississippi and the oil companies came in and tore up our marshes. It's now our fault. We are going to loose our homes, some already have. We are going to loose our lively hoods and our heritage.
If they can send billions even trillions of dollars overseas to rebuild then they should be able to do the same here. Without us having to beg for help.
What is it going to take.
We need to wake up them over payed welfare reciepients in Baton Rouge and Washington.
Thank You,
Roy & Lori Rowley
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