I like you to read this.
outrageous gas prices
I am writing to you concerning the extremely high gas prices we are paying. I don't know about ya'll but I don't live on a $100,000.00 a year salary. No where near that. President Bush and all the other Senators and State Representatives in Washington and Baton Rouge make that or even more. They don't feel the bite in their wallet when they fill up their vehicles. They fill up their vehicles at the tax payers expense anyway. We live on less than $20,000.00 a year. My wife works and I'm on disability. We have family that have to live on that much or less. My Mom is stuggling since my Dad passed away. My Mother-in-law is stuggling since her husband died. It makes it real hard for a person working a minimum wage job to be able to afford to even go back and forth to work.
The government claims it's because of the storms that hit the Gulf. But all we hear about is that we are so dependent on foreign oil. If we were so dependent on foreign oil then why do they want to blame it on the loss of production in the Gulf? If the U.S. Government would stay out of the foreign countries business than we wouldn't have to worry about them cutting us off. They have us where they want us. If the Govenment would stop controlling the flow of oil from the Gulf States, there wouldn't be a shortage or a reason for oil to be so expensive. The Gulf States produce the most oil, but we suffer the most. Why was the U. S. Government paying $1.50 a gallon and selling it to the Iraqi's for .05 cents a gallon???? What made them more important than our own people?
Business's can pass their rising cost onto us, the consumers. But who do we pass the cost onto?
With the HIGH cost of gas, insurance, utilities, groceries, etc. How much more do you think you can squeeze out of us less fortunate people.
I just read a letter written by Johnny Adriani, a candidate in the New Orleans mayor race. Even though he is discussing the levee's in New Orleans he makes a very good point that the U. S. Government is more concerned with a Democratic Government in Iraq and the illegal immagrants than for it's own citizens. Check the letter out yourself.....
: http://www.bayoubuzz.com/boards/philboard_read.asp?id=1646
I know ya'll probably don't like what I have to say, but our tax dollars are paying your salary and your retirement benefits. Your kids education, your camp down the bayou, your luxury vehicles, million dollar mansions...etc..etc..etc.
We are here in South Louisiana trying to recover from two major disasters and ya'll can't find any way to help us with the extra burden of the the gas prices? It's not enough we have to pay high prices for the lumber and appliances and furniture that we have to replace, lets get them on the gas too.