Sunday, July 30, 2006

Terrebonne Parish government

I am writing concerning the lock they are planning on putting in the Houma Navagational Canal. I do not feel that this will benefit the whole parish. I feel they are putting it where it will only benefit the City of Houma itself and not the low lying areas that flood.
I feel that the Parish should have done something 20 years ago when we flooded for Hurricane Juan. Instead they felt that it was more inportant to have a Civic Center, the Bank One building, and a state of the art Library. The highest cell phone bills and trips to Hawaii. I live in Upper Little Caillou. We are only 7 miles from Prospect St. We flooded for Juan and had one foot of water in our home then. This time, for Rita, we had 3 feet in our home. What about the people in Montegut that have flooded four times in the past 20 years? How is this lock going to protect them?
Every time the Parish of Terrebonne wants something they pass a tax. They put the cost on the tax payers. Who do we pass the cost onto? Who do we pass the cost of rebuilding our homes on to? Who do we pass the cost of replacing all our funiture and appliances on to? Not to mention all the things we lost that cannot be replaced. All we get is higher insurance cost and wishfull thinking that it won't happen again.
I feel that they are only looking to protect the city of Houma, especially the west side, and all the fancy camps along side the deep water channel, down Dularge and the condo's across from the Civic Center. They must not let Martin Luther King Blvd. or Hwy 311 flood. But who cares about us dumb coonass's down the bayou. The hard working, low and middle income families who cannot afford the insurance and cannot afford to move either. We are expendable. But they sure want our tax money.
Why don't you tax the oil companies that are using the Navigational Canal? We are taxed enough and our money is not being spent as it should. Terrebonne Parish should have gotten it's priorities straight a long time ago. We cannot even get the parish to fix our school bus turnaround much less protect us from flooding again.
Terrebonne Parish Government keeps forgetting who they work for? They work for us, the tax payers. We pay their salary. We pay for all their fringe benefits. Yet we keep getting the short end of the stick.

1 comment:

Mr.RRowley said...

I will do what I can to let people know