Please read....
This is a letter I received from FEMA. They feel like they have given me so much money. They are wasting more money than they are giving to the people who lost so much. THey are paying the people working for them more money in a month than they give to us. I had to buy new tools to fix my house myself because I lost all my tools in the flood and the contractor wanted $69,000.00 to fix my house.Our damages were estimated over $45,000.00 by our insuance company. FEMA only gave us $11,000.00 for contents,loosing everything under 3 feet in my house. Not counting everyting we lost that was outside and in our shed. The bank is holding $12,000.00 until the house is 90% complete. How are we suppose to pay someone to help me? Sometimes I feel like giveing up, not knowing if it will happen again next hurricane season. I know some people who have received more money from FEMA that had very little damages and didn't loose nearly what we lost.
I'm hurting and we are tired. But what are we suppose to do?
Dear Ms. Rowley,
Your case has been reviewed and you are not eligible for home repair from FEMA. Your insurance settlement is $32,200.00 and the FEMA maximum grant is $26,200.00 therefore you are ineligible for assistance with home repair.
This does not include assistance for rental if you are unable to stay in your home while repairs are made.
The following documentation will be required Recertification for requesting continuing Rental Assistance:
1) A letter from you stating why you have a continued need for Rental Assistance
2) A submission from you outlining a realistic Housing Plan to indicate your plans for self sufficiency
3) Documentation of appropriate use of previous Rental Assistance, i.e. verifiable rental receipts with the landlord's contact information
If you should you have additional questions about your registration you can also call FEMA’s toll-free helpline number at 1-800-621-3362.
Thank you for your inquiry.
Connie ID#7384
Friday, March 31, 2006
Saturday, March 25, 2006

I like you to read this
To All it May Concern,
We received another letter from FEMA today. They are denying us for any other assistance. We were told that FEMA was going to cover what our insurance didn't. We had almost $45,000.00 in damages and only had $32,000.00 in insurance, which didn't cover our contents. We were told that FEMA would cover the differance, which is $13,000.00. When we called about the letter, we were told that they never received a settlement letter from our insurance company. We sent them everything we had received from the insurance company. We were never told we needed a settlement letter. We never even received one. We received a claim summary and we sent that to FEMA. It states on there how much we received from the insurance company. It also shows how much we had in damages.
What upsets me most is that we personally know people who are getting money left and right from FEMA and had little damages. We had almost three feet of water in our house. We know of people who lied their butts off to get money from FEMA and they got it. We are not lying about anything and are having to go through 3 kinds of hell to get anything. We got $32,000.00 from our insurance but the bank is holding $12,000.00 until the house is 90 % complete. We have done some of the house with the $20,000.00 but funds are getting low and the bank won't give us the rest until then. We had a contractor come out and give us an estimate. They wanted $69,000.00. What are we suppose to do?
I know a lot of people lost everything they own and don't even have a house to go home to. We flooded just the same. Is FEMA going to do the same to them just because they had insurance?
How many letters am I going to have to send before I get any answers? I send and send and send, but no one answers my questions. I keep getting the run around.
Any response would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You,
Roy Rowley
PS Maybe they need to see this pictrue so that they know what high water is.
And this is my house
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006
This was sent too as many senator that I can sent it to.
And to the News paper.
To Whom it may concern,
We have been hearing a lot of stuff about the insurance making threats to not write anymore flood or homeowners insurance policies here in South Louisiana. We heard that they weren't going to write any more policies for 10 years or until they ( the parish or state government) fixed the levees. I was wondering if they are doing the same in Texas, Mississippi and Florida? As far as I know they don't have any levees. I may be wrong but I don't recall seeing any in Mississippi. What makes us any different? As long as the insurance companies are making money and not having to dish any out. it's ok. We just received our renewal for our homeowners policy and the premium has almost doubled for the same amount of coverage we had before. We were told they were approved for an increase way before the storms hit here. This company received a 159% increase. We did not make any claim on our homeowners policy, just on our flood. We have not received the renewal on that one yet. They are trying to pass the cost of these storms onto us. Who do we pass our cost onto? We only had $32,000.00 in insurance and had almost $45,000.00 in damages. Who is suppose to cover that difference? It's not our fault we flooded. It's the Governments fault for letting the oil companies come in and tear up our marshes and coastline. Not to mention the government should have done something about our levees 20 years ago when Terrebonne Parish flooded for Hurricane Juan. I believe the parish government busted the levees to stop Houma from flooding for Juan. I believe they did it again for Rita. What are we suppose to do. If we get dropped by our current insurance because we cannot afford it and we cannot get insurance anywhere else we will lose our home because we have a mortgage and are required to have insurance. Is this their way of taking our homes from us? What is it going to take for the Government to wake up and see how this will impact the people who have been hurt the most already. We cannot afford this increase. We live on less than $20,000.00 a year. We were having a hard time before the storm and now we are having to fix our house on what little money we got from the insurance. We could not afford to get a contractor, so we are having to do it ourselves. Thankfully we have a few volunteers through the United Houmas Nation that are coming to lend a hand.
Will all our hard work be for nothing if we have to drop our insurance and the bank gets our house from defaulting on our loan? I have been making phone calls and sending emails and getting no where.
Hopefully one day someone will listen to me and the government will be a little more sympathetic to the people instead of the insurance companies.
Roy& Lori
And to the News paper.
To Whom it may concern,
We have been hearing a lot of stuff about the insurance making threats to not write anymore flood or homeowners insurance policies here in South Louisiana. We heard that they weren't going to write any more policies for 10 years or until they ( the parish or state government) fixed the levees. I was wondering if they are doing the same in Texas, Mississippi and Florida? As far as I know they don't have any levees. I may be wrong but I don't recall seeing any in Mississippi. What makes us any different? As long as the insurance companies are making money and not having to dish any out. it's ok. We just received our renewal for our homeowners policy and the premium has almost doubled for the same amount of coverage we had before. We were told they were approved for an increase way before the storms hit here. This company received a 159% increase. We did not make any claim on our homeowners policy, just on our flood. We have not received the renewal on that one yet. They are trying to pass the cost of these storms onto us. Who do we pass our cost onto? We only had $32,000.00 in insurance and had almost $45,000.00 in damages. Who is suppose to cover that difference? It's not our fault we flooded. It's the Governments fault for letting the oil companies come in and tear up our marshes and coastline. Not to mention the government should have done something about our levees 20 years ago when Terrebonne Parish flooded for Hurricane Juan. I believe the parish government busted the levees to stop Houma from flooding for Juan. I believe they did it again for Rita. What are we suppose to do. If we get dropped by our current insurance because we cannot afford it and we cannot get insurance anywhere else we will lose our home because we have a mortgage and are required to have insurance. Is this their way of taking our homes from us? What is it going to take for the Government to wake up and see how this will impact the people who have been hurt the most already. We cannot afford this increase. We live on less than $20,000.00 a year. We were having a hard time before the storm and now we are having to fix our house on what little money we got from the insurance. We could not afford to get a contractor, so we are having to do it ourselves. Thankfully we have a few volunteers through the United Houmas Nation that are coming to lend a hand.
Will all our hard work be for nothing if we have to drop our insurance and the bank gets our house from defaulting on our loan? I have been making phone calls and sending emails and getting no where.
Hopefully one day someone will listen to me and the government will be a little more sympathetic to the people instead of the insurance companies.
Roy& Lori
Thursday, March 09, 2006
I like you to read this one.
I'd like to say that when Mrs.BLanco didn't get to jack smokers over for her $1.00 per pack tax, now Terrebonne Parish Council
is looking to jack smokers over in fines.
I'd like to say we didn't put them people in office for them to tell us what we can or can not do.
I decided to stop smoking because it was my choice. Just like it was my choice to smoke. I don't think the Federal or local government should be profiting from my choice to smoke. I'd like to know why the money they do collect does not go to health care when people do get sick. Why do they say second hand smoke kills when exhaust fumes from vehicles to factories causes illnesses that kill. Alcohol kills. Not only from drunk driving but causes liver damage, just to name one. If these things are so bad, why don't they just ban it completely. But I know why. They are making too much money from it. Why are they sending our children to die for other peoples freedom, while at the same time taking away our freedoms? I think the bans and laws they have in place now are more than enough to please the non-smoking people. STOP TAKING AWAY PEOPLE RIGHTS.
There is One more thing this is not about smoking this is about freedom of choice
what is next coming in your home and telling you
how to have sex with your wife are when.
I'd like to say that when Mrs.BLanco didn't get to jack smokers over for her $1.00 per pack tax, now Terrebonne Parish Council
is looking to jack smokers over in fines.
I'd like to say we didn't put them people in office for them to tell us what we can or can not do.
I decided to stop smoking because it was my choice. Just like it was my choice to smoke. I don't think the Federal or local government should be profiting from my choice to smoke. I'd like to know why the money they do collect does not go to health care when people do get sick. Why do they say second hand smoke kills when exhaust fumes from vehicles to factories causes illnesses that kill. Alcohol kills. Not only from drunk driving but causes liver damage, just to name one. If these things are so bad, why don't they just ban it completely. But I know why. They are making too much money from it. Why are they sending our children to die for other peoples freedom, while at the same time taking away our freedoms? I think the bans and laws they have in place now are more than enough to please the non-smoking people. STOP TAKING AWAY PEOPLE RIGHTS.
There is One more thing this is not about smoking this is about freedom of choice
what is next coming in your home and telling you
how to have sex with your wife are when.
Monday, March 06, 2006
oopps...found another one....
It is sad when the state (and some people) think that paying the Saints to stay in Louisiana is only way things get done In Louisiana. That without the Saints we will go down the drain.
What about the taxes we pay now,sales tax,income tax, property tax, luxury tax, sin tax, gas tax,this fee, that fee, and on and on. The cost of living is going up but the minimum wage isn't.The cost of living is going up but the dollar is going down.
You people think the state cares about you or me
I don't think so.
I think caring about this dam war and them kids
that are coming home in body bags is more important than the Saints. The cuts to health care and sky rocketing health care cost are more important. If they would take the millions if not billions of dollars they are spending to keep the Saints and spend it on health care and teacher pay raises, it would be money well spent.
If the "over paid welfare receipients in Washington and Baton Rouge would take a cut in pay we could afford to keep our hospitals and clinics open. They have the best health care and retirement benefits the taxpayers money can buy while we have to struggle or do without.
I don't have very much education, I have more common sense than some.
I'd like to know what is it going to take for people to realize it doesn't do much good to get a good education and then not find a decent job in Louisiana. Unless we go to work for Mr. Benson.
It is sad when the state (and some people) think that paying the Saints to stay in Louisiana is only way things get done In Louisiana. That without the Saints we will go down the drain.
What about the taxes we pay now,sales tax,income tax, property tax, luxury tax, sin tax, gas tax,this fee, that fee, and on and on. The cost of living is going up but the minimum wage isn't.The cost of living is going up but the dollar is going down.
You people think the state cares about you or me
I don't think so.
I think caring about this dam war and them kids
that are coming home in body bags is more important than the Saints. The cuts to health care and sky rocketing health care cost are more important. If they would take the millions if not billions of dollars they are spending to keep the Saints and spend it on health care and teacher pay raises, it would be money well spent.
If the "over paid welfare receipients in Washington and Baton Rouge would take a cut in pay we could afford to keep our hospitals and clinics open. They have the best health care and retirement benefits the taxpayers money can buy while we have to struggle or do without.
I don't have very much education, I have more common sense than some.
I'd like to know what is it going to take for people to realize it doesn't do much good to get a good education and then not find a decent job in Louisiana. Unless we go to work for Mr. Benson.
How about this one....
I am writing again concerning the smoking ban. I feel that if they pass this smoking ban they are violating my constitutional right to choose. I can think of a lot of other things that are a hazard to your health and they are not being banned. I was unable to attend the meeting Wednesday night to voice my opinion because I am having to do the repairs to my home because of the flood. I think they could be concentrating their attention on more important issues concerning the peoples safety, like the flooding we had to go through because they don't want to spend the money to do what needs to be done to make our levees better. Smoking issues are the least of my worries right now. We had almost three feet of water in our house. I think that is a more important health issue than someone smoking to close to someone else. I guess it's all about the fines they will be collecting from the people they write tickets to. Who is going to give the cops or the parish workers a ticket? Why do ya'll want to treat us like dumb little children? Terrebonne Parish Governmetn make me sicker than the cigarette smoke!
I am writing again concerning the smoking ban. I feel that if they pass this smoking ban they are violating my constitutional right to choose. I can think of a lot of other things that are a hazard to your health and they are not being banned. I was unable to attend the meeting Wednesday night to voice my opinion because I am having to do the repairs to my home because of the flood. I think they could be concentrating their attention on more important issues concerning the peoples safety, like the flooding we had to go through because they don't want to spend the money to do what needs to be done to make our levees better. Smoking issues are the least of my worries right now. We had almost three feet of water in our house. I think that is a more important health issue than someone smoking to close to someone else. I guess it's all about the fines they will be collecting from the people they write tickets to. Who is going to give the cops or the parish workers a ticket? Why do ya'll want to treat us like dumb little children? Terrebonne Parish Governmetn make me sicker than the cigarette smoke!
One more for ya....
I don't think any of you will ever understand why we feel the way we do. There are so many things that are unhealthy for us but there are no laws against them. If smoking was so bad then why don't they ban cigerettes all together? We all know why. The government makes more money from tobacco sales than the tobacco companies do. I'm upset with it because of the fact that our rights are being taken away from us. Not just with the smoking issue. In case I forgot to inform you, I don't even smoke any more. My wife does and I wish she would quit. But it's her choice. Where are our rights as smokers? Who will fight for their rights? We don't have the NAACP to run too everytime something happens that we don't think is right.
The food we eat, the water we drink, the exhaust fumes from cars and factories, etc. is killing us all slowly. What gets me even more is that we are sending our children, fathers and mothers, to Iraq to supposively fight for their freedom, and supposively to protect ours. while our government is taking away ours, little by little.
I think the American Cancer Society is just pulling at straws to find an easy answer to what causes cancer. There are so many things that cause cancer out there they don't even know about. Lets blame it on smoking and second hand smoke.
If ya'll are so concerned about our health and safety why wasn't our levees fixed or improved 20 years ago? Why did we have to flood....again? Why is nothing being done, except study after study? I think ya'll should be more concerned about this problem instead of thinking of new ways to make us criminals.Where were ya'll when we flooded? I didn't see a single one of you on our street to see if we needed anything. I had to put a sign out at the end of our street before we got any help from anyone. I have flooded twice in 20 years. What is going to happen to me next time? Will I be denied help from the government because I didn't move out? Ya'll need to get ya'll priorities straight.
I don't think any of you will ever understand why we feel the way we do. There are so many things that are unhealthy for us but there are no laws against them. If smoking was so bad then why don't they ban cigerettes all together? We all know why. The government makes more money from tobacco sales than the tobacco companies do. I'm upset with it because of the fact that our rights are being taken away from us. Not just with the smoking issue. In case I forgot to inform you, I don't even smoke any more. My wife does and I wish she would quit. But it's her choice. Where are our rights as smokers? Who will fight for their rights? We don't have the NAACP to run too everytime something happens that we don't think is right.
The food we eat, the water we drink, the exhaust fumes from cars and factories, etc. is killing us all slowly. What gets me even more is that we are sending our children, fathers and mothers, to Iraq to supposively fight for their freedom, and supposively to protect ours. while our government is taking away ours, little by little.
I think the American Cancer Society is just pulling at straws to find an easy answer to what causes cancer. There are so many things that cause cancer out there they don't even know about. Lets blame it on smoking and second hand smoke.
If ya'll are so concerned about our health and safety why wasn't our levees fixed or improved 20 years ago? Why did we have to flood....again? Why is nothing being done, except study after study? I think ya'll should be more concerned about this problem instead of thinking of new ways to make us criminals.Where were ya'll when we flooded? I didn't see a single one of you on our street to see if we needed anything. I had to put a sign out at the end of our street before we got any help from anyone. I have flooded twice in 20 years. What is going to happen to me next time? Will I be denied help from the government because I didn't move out? Ya'll need to get ya'll priorities straight.
here's another one....
Making us all criminals
It seems to me that the Terrebonne Parish Council just can't find enough new laws for everyone to break. That way they can collect more fines and fees. First it was the "no smoking in public" law. Now it's the noise law. Yes there are people that make excessive noises. And those people should be fined for it. But some noises cannot be controlled. Sometimes we can here 18 wheelers passing on the highway and we live in the back of a street. A long way from the highway. Our house is right in the path of the helicopters and airplanes. My dog hates helicopters and barks her head off at them. What am I suppose to do? Are you going to give them a citation? The garbage trucks wake us up twice a week at 5 a.m. but they are exempt. And I just love the fact that the government is going to be exemp, as usual.. If it has to be, then what is good for the goose is good for the gander. My Mother has dogs in her yard to protect her being she lives in a bad neighborhood. What is she suppose to do? Put muzzels on them at night when the drug heads and theives are roaming around all hours of the night? Then she won't know anything until they are in her house. We don't live in a perfect world and all these laws are making it harder and harder for us law abiding citizens to stay that way. Just because one or two people complained about a business making excessive noise they have to take it out on all of us. So ya'll want a smoke free, sound proof enviroment and to profit from it too. Guess ya'll need another trip to Hawaii, but to stay a few days longer while yacking on your cell phones. Or maybe to get another pay raise next year. Ya'll are going too far, enough is enough.
Making us all criminals
It seems to me that the Terrebonne Parish Council just can't find enough new laws for everyone to break. That way they can collect more fines and fees. First it was the "no smoking in public" law. Now it's the noise law. Yes there are people that make excessive noises. And those people should be fined for it. But some noises cannot be controlled. Sometimes we can here 18 wheelers passing on the highway and we live in the back of a street. A long way from the highway. Our house is right in the path of the helicopters and airplanes. My dog hates helicopters and barks her head off at them. What am I suppose to do? Are you going to give them a citation? The garbage trucks wake us up twice a week at 5 a.m. but they are exempt. And I just love the fact that the government is going to be exemp, as usual.. If it has to be, then what is good for the goose is good for the gander. My Mother has dogs in her yard to protect her being she lives in a bad neighborhood. What is she suppose to do? Put muzzels on them at night when the drug heads and theives are roaming around all hours of the night? Then she won't know anything until they are in her house. We don't live in a perfect world and all these laws are making it harder and harder for us law abiding citizens to stay that way. Just because one or two people complained about a business making excessive noise they have to take it out on all of us. So ya'll want a smoke free, sound proof enviroment and to profit from it too. Guess ya'll need another trip to Hawaii, but to stay a few days longer while yacking on your cell phones. Or maybe to get another pay raise next year. Ya'll are going too far, enough is enough.
I would like you people to know how much Terrebonne parish Government cares about us.
Not one of them came to see if we needed any thing, We had 5 feet of water 3 foot of it was in my house we lost alot but still not one of them came.
The only thing Terrebonne Parish cares about is money.
We just got flooded and the only thing they can think of is more money and how can they get there hands on it.
They are looking for us to pay more taxes so they
can fix the levees, not better them, just fix them.
So now when you people that smokes comes to Houma better make sure to say 10 feet away from any buisness door opening or you will get a fine. They didn't think of anything better to do with there time so they think of how to jack us over in fines and more taxes.
They can use our tax money for cell phones, buy new trucks, a trip to Hawaii, millions of dollars on buildings, and football teams.
and a lot of other things. But when we need something we have to pay more taxes. What is it going to take to wake you people up?
They send our kids to fight for other peoples freedom
but at same time are looking to take away ours and profit from it at the same time.
This is just one of the many messages I have posted at,, and am sending letters to our State Representives, Congressman, etc...etc...
Hopefully one day they will get the message!
Not one of them came to see if we needed any thing, We had 5 feet of water 3 foot of it was in my house we lost alot but still not one of them came.
The only thing Terrebonne Parish cares about is money.
We just got flooded and the only thing they can think of is more money and how can they get there hands on it.
They are looking for us to pay more taxes so they
can fix the levees, not better them, just fix them.
So now when you people that smokes comes to Houma better make sure to say 10 feet away from any buisness door opening or you will get a fine. They didn't think of anything better to do with there time so they think of how to jack us over in fines and more taxes.
They can use our tax money for cell phones, buy new trucks, a trip to Hawaii, millions of dollars on buildings, and football teams.
and a lot of other things. But when we need something we have to pay more taxes. What is it going to take to wake you people up?
They send our kids to fight for other peoples freedom
but at same time are looking to take away ours and profit from it at the same time.
This is just one of the many messages I have posted at,, and am sending letters to our State Representives, Congressman, etc...etc...
Hopefully one day they will get the message!
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