I like you to read this
To All it May Concern,
We received another letter from FEMA today. They are denying us for any other assistance. We were told that FEMA was going to cover what our insurance didn't. We had almost $45,000.00 in damages and only had $32,000.00 in insurance, which didn't cover our contents. We were told that FEMA would cover the differance, which is $13,000.00. When we called about the letter, we were told that they never received a settlement letter from our insurance company. We sent them everything we had received from the insurance company. We were never told we needed a settlement letter. We never even received one. We received a claim summary and we sent that to FEMA. It states on there how much we received from the insurance company. It also shows how much we had in damages.
What upsets me most is that we personally know people who are getting money left and right from FEMA and had little damages. We had almost three feet of water in our house. We know of people who lied their butts off to get money from FEMA and they got it. We are not lying about anything and are having to go through 3 kinds of hell to get anything. We got $32,000.00 from our insurance but the bank is holding $12,000.00 until the house is 90 % complete. We have done some of the house with the $20,000.00 but funds are getting low and the bank won't give us the rest until then. We had a contractor come out and give us an estimate. They wanted $69,000.00. What are we suppose to do?
I know a lot of people lost everything they own and don't even have a house to go home to. We flooded just the same. Is FEMA going to do the same to them just because they had insurance?
How many letters am I going to have to send before I get any answers? I send and send and send, but no one answers my questions. I keep getting the run around.
Any response would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You,
Roy Rowley
PS Maybe they need to see this pictrue so that they know what high water is.
And this is my house
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