Monday, March 06, 2006

here's another one....

Making us all criminals

It seems to me that the Terrebonne Parish Council just can't find enough new laws for everyone to break. That way they can collect more fines and fees. First it was the "no smoking in public" law. Now it's the noise law. Yes there are people that make excessive noises. And those people should be fined for it. But some noises cannot be controlled. Sometimes we can here 18 wheelers passing on the highway and we live in the back of a street. A long way from the highway. Our house is right in the path of the helicopters and airplanes. My dog hates helicopters and barks her head off at them. What am I suppose to do? Are you going to give them a citation? The garbage trucks wake us up twice a week at 5 a.m. but they are exempt. And I just love the fact that the government is going to be exemp, as usual.. If it has to be, then what is good for the goose is good for the gander. My Mother has dogs in her yard to protect her being she lives in a bad neighborhood. What is she suppose to do? Put muzzels on them at night when the drug heads and theives are roaming around all hours of the night? Then she won't know anything until they are in her house. We don't live in a perfect world and all these laws are making it harder and harder for us law abiding citizens to stay that way. Just because one or two people complained about a business making excessive noise they have to take it out on all of us. So ya'll want a smoke free, sound proof enviroment and to profit from it too. Guess ya'll need another trip to Hawaii, but to stay a few days longer while yacking on your cell phones. Or maybe to get another pay raise next year. Ya'll are going too far, enough is enough.

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