Sunday, March 19, 2006

This was sent too as many senator that I can sent it to.
And to the News paper.

To Whom it may concern,

We have been hearing a lot of stuff about the insurance making threats to not write anymore flood or homeowners insurance policies here in South Louisiana. We heard that they weren't going to write any more policies for 10 years or until they ( the parish or state government) fixed the levees. I was wondering if they are doing the same in Texas, Mississippi and Florida? As far as I know they don't have any levees. I may be wrong but I don't recall seeing any in Mississippi. What makes us any different? As long as the insurance companies are making money and not having to dish any out. it's ok. We just received our renewal for our homeowners policy and the premium has almost doubled for the same amount of coverage we had before. We were told they were approved for an increase way before the storms hit here. This company received a 159% increase. We did not make any claim on our homeowners policy, just on our flood. We have not received the renewal on that one yet. They are trying to pass the cost of these storms onto us. Who do we pass our cost onto? We only had $32,000.00 in insurance and had almost $45,000.00 in damages. Who is suppose to cover that difference? It's not our fault we flooded. It's the Governments fault for letting the oil companies come in and tear up our marshes and coastline. Not to mention the government should have done something about our levees 20 years ago when Terrebonne Parish flooded for Hurricane Juan. I believe the parish government busted the levees to stop Houma from flooding for Juan. I believe they did it again for Rita. What are we suppose to do. If we get dropped by our current insurance because we cannot afford it and we cannot get insurance anywhere else we will lose our home because we have a mortgage and are required to have insurance. Is this their way of taking our homes from us? What is it going to take for the Government to wake up and see how this will impact the people who have been hurt the most already. We cannot afford this increase. We live on less than $20,000.00 a year. We were having a hard time before the storm and now we are having to fix our house on what little money we got from the insurance. We could not afford to get a contractor, so we are having to do it ourselves. Thankfully we have a few volunteers through the United Houmas Nation that are coming to lend a hand.
Will all our hard work be for nothing if we have to drop our insurance and the bank gets our house from defaulting on our loan? I have been making phone calls and sending emails and getting no where.
Hopefully one day someone will listen to me and the government will be a little more sympathetic to the people instead of the insurance companies.

Roy& Lori

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